Flying Escape

Flying Escape
The first part of a series called “healing” in collaboration with video artist Christina Smiros. In this series we explored the question of what the source of suffering is and how we can survive and ultimately overcome and reverse the cycle. In this 1st iteration we specifically explored the reflective quality of inside vs outside worlds. The permeability of identity and our capacity to adorn ourselves with ideas as a way of identification.
Flying Escape is a 35 minute video performance installation comprised of bideo, dance, and a portable sculptural element made of cloth and used to dance on as well as create an extension from the wall. The video is projected on walls of the gallery and on the fabric made of vinyl, two-way mirror mylar window screen.
Parker’s live performance took place at the Paris hotel in Miami as a part of the Satellite Art Fair.

Installation: Miriam Parker
Video: Miriam Parker and Christina Smiros
Editing: Miriam Parker, Christina Smiros, Dante Capone, and Mei Liu
Performance: Miriam Parker
Vinyl Sculpture: Miriam Parker